Asociat CEO goes Sunday Morning Live

Michael Brown, CEO of Asociat, was invited onto BBC One’s flagship chat show, Sunday Morning Live to speak with presenter, Holly Hamilton about his mission to end homelessness through the medium of fine dining!

Michael is also chair and co-founder of Home Kitchen, the not-for-profit social impact restaurant that has been hitting international news headlines since its public opening in September 2024. This latest appearance is actually the third time the BBC have broadcasted editorial content about the work of Home Kitchen, with past features on BBC News and The One Show already in the bag. We here at Asociat are very proud to have rolled out the communications campaign with such spectacular results.


The restaurant with a purpose appears to be genuinely world famous:  Among many others, they have featured on Germany’s national public broadcaster, and in a major coup – on NBC’s hugely watched Today show. A result which when combined with a feature in the NY Times resulted in Americans booking flights to London to dine at Home Kitchen.

For this latest outing on the BBC, Michael appeared alongside Executive Chef Adam Simmonds, and Mimi & Genet – who are new recruits working in Home Kitchen back of house brigade.


Michael and Chef Simmonds spoke eloquently about how the social enterprise, which recruits people from the homeless (and those at risk of homelessness) community, will change the flawed public perceptions of what it is to be homeless and on a personal level – why the mission means so much to them and how they got involved. Meanwhile, Mimi, Home Kitchen’s Pastry Chef. got to showcase her Chocolate Tart. Presenter Holly Hamilton gave Mimi’s own creation a huge thumbs up.

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